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Какой каталог должна иметь международная фотовыставка?


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HomeСалоны, проводимые в мае 2008 г.
The 9th Shanghai International Photographic Art Exhibition, Chine 2008/0778
(3 Pictures) 
28th Malaysia International Salon of Photography, Malaisie 2008/048
(There are no images) 
XLII Concurso Fotografico de Bizkaia, Espagne 2008/086
(3 Pictures) 
33rd Chinese YMCA International Salon of Photography, Hong Kong 2008/08
(2 Pictures) 
38th H.K.C.C. International Salon of Pictorial Photography, Hong Kong 2008/030
(There are no images) 
Interfotoklub Vsetín 2008, Rép. Tcheque 2008/013
(There are no images) 
Салоны, проводимые в мае 2008 г.
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